Ask Emily: Why Won’t My Boyfriend Initiate Sex?

Initiate Sex
Hey Emily! I've been with my boyfriend for three-and-a-half years and the sex is great! We both get wonderful pleasure from each other and are open to trying new moves. My issue (one that has been evident from the start of the relationship) is that I am always in the driver’s seat when it comes to our sexual experiences. I always make the first move. I have tried to talk to him about it but he’s not willing to do anything differently. It feels like he doesn’t even want to have sex with me unless I make him. Read more

Dear Emily: Why Does My Partner Want Me To Touch Myself In Front of Him?

Q: Dear Emily, My boyfriend and I have a great sex life, but there is one issue that keeps popping up. He recently asked me to pleasure myself in front of him, and it’s not the first time he has made this request. I masturbate from time to time, but never in front of another person! I feel like masturbation is such a private activity and trying to do it in front of him feels awkward and forced. The last time he asked, I got angry and told him to do it himself and see how it feels, but my plan backfired because he totally loved it. Why is this such a big turn on for him? And how can I masturbate for my BF without feeling so uncomfortable? Read more

What you should make the first time you cook for him

I was at brunch with my girlfriends this past weekend and one of my single friends was talking about the guy she just started dating. It’s been a few weeks and she’d finally invited him over to her place for dinner. This was going to be the first meal she cooked for him and she was freaking out. “I feel like this is wife auditions!” she kept saying. And, frankly, she was very, very right. The first time you cook for a man is a bit like a wife audition. I don’t want to freak you out, but it’s very important. Here’s what to cook to make it go smoothly. Read more

Daily horoscopes: April 12, 2019


(March 20 - April 19):

You could let resentments at home smolder, but why not be proactive and address them head on?  Start with a disarming smile.


(April 20 - May 20):

A competitor is only as strong as you make him out to be.  Take back the importance you projected on to this person and the power fades.


(May 21 - June 20):

You don't owe anyone anything, but meet this person halfway and pay something. What you save on aggravation alone is worth it.


(June 21 - July 21):

You may be the last to know you're on edge.  Trust friends when they say to take a chill pill. They see you better than you see yourself now.


(July 22 - Aug. 22):

Here you were pursuing someone only to realize that this person was pursuing you! Stop being so coy and get down to brass tacks.


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

Your heart is in such conflict with your head that it's impossible to see straight.  You're better off making decisions by just flipping a coin.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

Your personal support may be getting a little bit too personal.  When putting yourself in someone else's shoes it's best to keep in mind who they belong to.


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

Home should be a sanctuary; a pleasant place to retreat to.  Point this out to a loved one who keeps tracking psychic mud into the house.


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):

The longer you wait, the more likely you'll be ignored.  Seize the moment today and go ahead and make that bid, play, or daring proposal.


(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):

An associate exceeds expectations today.  Living proof that even the world's greatest skeptic can be surprised.


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):

You've been living in your head too much and need to reconnect to your body.  Get back on track with yoga or laps in the pool.  You'll feel so much better.


(Feb. 18 - March 19):

Sometimes the best way to bring harmony to a situation is to be assertive.  Too much making nice and others take advantage; bring them to heel and they obey.

Daily horoscopes: April 11, 2019


(March 20 - April 19):

Were your hopes bigger than your expectations? Looks that way. Then again there's nothing saying you can't fill in the gap.


(April 20 - May 20):

You need to stop obsessing about the money and focus more on what you're bringing to the table. It may not be as good as all that.


(May 21 - June 20):

You always thought you'd enjoy being in the catbird seat but the view's different from up there. Getting your way won't be as carefree as you think.


(June 21 - July 21):

You'll need a lot more convincing before you relocate – but don't say that out loud because there are people ready to make a persuasive argument.


(July 22 - Aug. 22):

It's hard to articulate what you feel and that may be perfect for right now. Sometimes feelings should just be felt.


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

Did you say "no" too soon? Looks like it. Thank heavens there's enough time to take it back.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

It's funny. You keep saying that things would be different if you knew then what you know now but chances are it would still turn out the same.


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

Your mind is becoming increasingly made up about an action you've been considering. You thought this was about the money, but it's really about freeing up your time.


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):

Second thoughts are meant to make you think better of things. Don't shut them out because your ego may get bruised. That would be a terrible waste.


(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):

You often pooh-pooh people's talk of intention and visualization, but that's only because it makes you uncomfortable. Take time to check it out. You might like it.


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):

For someone who preaches group effort you may be surprised to discover how much you haven't practiced it. Ask for help with some of those burdens. People won't be let down.


(Feb. 18 - March 19):

It looks like you may have to walk back a promise or pledge. Better that than to not deliver.

Daily horoscopes: April 10, 2019


(March 20 - April 19):

Ambition and drive aren't the only way to get things done. Today's Sun/Saturn square shows that fear of failure can be a motivator too.


(April 20 - May 20):

Sometimes it's disappointment and not satisfaction that gets you to grow as a person. That offer isn't everything you want but it's what you need right now.


(May 21 - June 20):

You're on the brink of a breakthrough when Jupiter turns retrograde. Will this leave you hanging? Not if you pull out an oar and paddle your own canoe.


(June 21 - July 21):

Are you out of your depth or do you need to dig deeper? Dig deeper. You're more capable than you know.


(July 22 - Aug. 22):

Sometimes we meet people only to part company. Don’t worry. Your paths will cross again in Aug. 


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

The only person keeping you from being you is you. Remove all the expectations, demands, and reprimands and you'll see you're not half bad.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

Some people run to the rescue while others leap tall buildings in a single bound. You prefer negotiating compromises. There are different ways to save the day.


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

Insult often gets added to injury when the Sun squares Saturn. You're clear on how you want to handle the situation. Stay true to that.


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):

Jupiter retrograde could lead you to abandon the path you're on, but hopefully you have more confidence than that. Your faith will be rewarded in Aug. 


(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):

Resistance isn't always good. Step out from behind that entrenched position and take another look at the situation.


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):

Self-criticism is like closing the gate after the horse has gone. It's better to learn from your mistakes than to rake yourself over the coals.


(Feb. 18 - March 19):

You don't like being pushed and now that Jupiter's retrograde, you won't be. How much progress will you make on your own? You'll find out in Aug.