What to do if he likes you more than you like him

A chronically single girlfriend of mine told me than she’s breaking up with her new guy (whom we all love!) because he’s too into her. We all told her that she needed to pump the break up brakes and think about it a bit more. Was slot pulsa she really going to end it with a man because he appreciates her? That’s the only reason? Doesn’t seem a valid rational for a break up to me. She argued that she’s never had someone this into her and it’s uncomfortable. So, she’s just going to walk away. joker123 I told her that she had to think about a few things before dumping this sweet man and if you’re in a situation where your boo seems to be more into you than you are into him, these will be some good things for you to think about, too! Read more

Help! Should I make a sex tape with my boyfriend?

Sex tapes have been a "hot topic" for a while now. From Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, to the new movie starring Cameron Diaz, sex tapes get people talking. But what happens when your partner wants to make one? Is it the best idea or should you steer clear? As always, Emily has your answer. Read more

8 Ways to Make Masturbation Even Better

Even if you think masturbation is the only thing you’ve mastered in adulthood, there are always new ways to do you. Think about it this way: would you have sex with the same person, the exact same way every time? I didn’t think so. Then why would you treat yourself that way? As Woody Allen put it, “masturbation is sex with someone you love.” Get out your trusty vibrator and treat yourself with these 8 ways to make masturbation even better: Read more

What Gay and Lesbian Sex Dreams REALLY Mean

Girl on girl action may be exciting for a guy, but when we of the fairer sex dream about it, it can be a bit unnerving.  And guy on guy action is sometimes displeasing for a man who is an avowed skirt chaser.  If you are not gay and you have a gay or lesbian dream, it does not mean you have a hidden desire to bat for the other team.  What it does mean is that you are indeed proud of being a member of said team.

The sex with the same gender dreams are cousin to the mystery lover dreams in that the meaning is most often focused on gender roles.  For example, when a woman does something that makes her feel particularly feminine, such as mothering a sick friend or getting cat calls from a construction crew across the street, she could very well be the proud recipient of a lesbian dream that night!  When a man does something particularly manly, such as getting a raise or replacing the timing belt in his car, he too may very well find a man loving up on him that night.

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The 4 Worst Things A Single Girl Can Say

A single girl rejects dating advice
Warning: Single ladies, I’m about to get all tough love up on you. I’m out and out sick of listening to my single friends repeat the same toxic sayings over and over again. My friends are fabulous, successful, sexy and very confused about why they’re still single. And from a distance, you’d be really confused too. But, I know exactly why some of my favorite single ladies can’t get a man. It’s their attitudes, and specifically how they talk about dating. If you’re a single gal—my friend or not—who’s saying any of the below totally terrible phrases about her dating life, know that you’re the reason you’re single. Read more

What to do when he won’t forgive you

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all of my years of being a professional relationship and love expert, it’s that nothing is constant in the world of love. Relationships ebb and flow. People we love hurt us and we hurt them. It’s just what love is... a rollercoaster of emotion. It’s a crappy position to be in when you’re the one who did the hurting and are hoping for forgiveness. It’s a tough and vulnerable situation to be in. (Of course I’m not saying it’s worse than being the hurt party, but they both have their own very demanding emotional trajectories.) And when the forgiveness isn’t as forthcoming as you hoped it would be, it gets really tricky and icky feeling. Here’s what to do. Read more