Why Men Pull Away And How To Pull Them Back

So you're dating a guy. On paper things seem to be going fine. Everything is great. You're meeting, you're talking, you're hanging, you're enjoying his company. The attraction is building inside you. You're starting to like him. Alright, maybe you're getting a little nervous. Maybe you have one or two freak out moments. Read more

What to do if you’re being benched

Have you heard of “benching” yet? It’s the new ghosting, but slightly different. Benching is when a guy is keeping you on the bench, but not playing you. He occasionally texts and seems kind of engaged, but never actually makes plans. Or if he does make plans, he doesn’t follow through with them and winds up canceling last minute. Sound familiar? I’m guessing it does since this is very typical guy behavior. If you date enough, you’ll definitely experience it. Here’s what to do if benching happens to you. Read more

Help! I love his personality, but I’m not attracted to him

Thanks to social media, I get a lot more questions from people looking for relationship advice. And I freaking love it. Seriously, hearing from spaceman slot fans and followers is probably my favorite thing in the world. Or maybe it’s Nutella. Whatever. Hearing from you guys is definitely one of my top two favorite things in the world. Recently, I’ve gotten a few questions from ladies joker123 who are dealing with the same issue. There’s a man in their lives that’s perfect for them, but they’re just not attracted to him. Basically, his personality rocks, but there’s no physical attraction. Should a woman date a guy she’s not attracted to? Well, I know this is annoying, but I’m going to answer your questions with a few of my own questions.   Read more

Sex Dreams About a Co-Worker

Been having naughty dreams about a co-worker? Whether they make you blush or vomit, your co-worker dreams joker123 are not only common... understanding the dream is well worth your while because odds are, that dream is actually trying to help you improve yourself !

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The right time to ask if he wants kids

A lot of my girlfriends and clients in their late 20s and early 30s have shared the same experience with me. They’ve gotten in deep with a dude, brought up their timelines for having kids and the guy said he doesn’t want kids. By that point, the ladies have wasted months, if not years, of their time dating someone they could never end up with and they feel terrible about it. But, when was the right time to bring having kids up? It only makes sense to ask about kids when you’re serious about the guy, right? Wrong! Don’t waste your time (or his) by waiting to ask about having kids together. You should do it way earlier, no matter if you want kids or don’t. Here are the right times to ask if he wants kids. Read more

The True Meaning Of… Let’s Just See Where It Goes

Does this story sound familiar to you?

Is there a man you dated briefly years ago? Due to some personal issues, it just didn’t work out.

You remained friends and you kept joker123 in touch. You ended up bumping into each other on a trip. You fooled around a bit.

He wanted more, you wanted spaceman slot more, but you were confused by the whole thing. You were wondering why it took so long to reconnect.

So you ask him:

What is this? Read more