What to do if you’re ready for the next step, but he isn’t

At first, relationship milestones come fast and furious. First date. First kiss. First sex. First fight. First make up. First make up sex. And on and on. But, after a while, the firsts stop flying by. You two get comfortable and in a groove and are coasting along dating each other. And while that’s joker123 fine and dandy, there are much bigger relationship firsts, ranging from saying “I love you” to getting married, that need to happen to take you guys to the next level. Read more

How do I tell my boyfriend I need a break?

Wanting a break from your boyfriend isn’t a great feeling. In fact, it’s a totally sucky one. Really sorry you’re going through this. But, fear not, I’m here to help. And, per usual, I have some tough love for you. If your big question is, “How do I tell my boyfriend I need a break?” my big answer is, “You absolutely don’t tell him.” Hear me out. I think you’ll get it if you keep reading. Read more

Top 20 questions to ask a potential Matchmaker: Make sure they are the right “match” for you!

woman interviews a matchmaker on the phone
So you’ve found a certified matchmaker in your area, but you have no idea what to do next or what to expect when you meet with them? I’m here to help! Remember that the process of working with a matchmaker puts you in the driver’s seat of your love life alongside a supportive, encouraging, and knowledgeable guide, but you have to make sure you ask the right questions to get the right match. The initial phone call you made is one of the most proactive steps you can take. A great matchmaker should quickly put you at ease, and ask a few basic questions to evaluate if they are the right person for you to work with. Be prepared to answer questions like-- How did you find out about our service? Have you been married before? What are your relationship goals? Read more

Have you been Jackhammered? Why you’re not having an orgasm during sex

Q: Dear Emily,In many of your Podcasts, I’ve heard you talk about  “Jackhammer Sex”, and how men should stop doing it immediately. After hearing it for the third or fourth time, I realized something. My partner is guilty of the Jackhammer, too! I thought it was totally normal to have sex this way, and didn’t really mind it, but now I’m wondering.  If not the jackhammer, then what? What are some alternatives to Jackhammer sex? Read more

How to make sure his first birthday as a couple is perfect

Big celebrations are wonderful, but they’re actually really stressful for new relationships. And when his first birthday as your boyfriend rolls around, it can be a lot of pressure to make it perfect. You want him to feel special, but not overdo it and make him uncomfortable. You want to spend energy on what you know he likes, but you also want to surprise and delight him. You want it to be flawlessly extraordinary, but also seem effortless. That’s a lofty goal, lady! I’ve been there. So much stress! My first tip is to take a big deep breath and then read on because I’m outlining how to make sure his first birthday as your man is perfect. Read more

How to tell your boyfriend he’s being a shit

Sometimes boyfriends can be pieces of shit. Sorry to put it that way, but it’s just true. Being a shit happens to the best of them. And, I know women can be shitty, too. Of course they can! But, that’s not what this article is about. This is about when boyfriends behave badly and how to handle it. First things first, you need to decide if this relationship is worth working for, because what I’m about to suggest is a lot of work. And not all relationships are. There’s no shame in not putting in the effort if the relationship isn’t working for you. But, if it is working in general and there’s been a period of crappy behavior, here’s how to handle telling him how you feel Read more