Don’t take a supervisor’s word as final. Enlist the aid of an associate or assistant to the next person higher up in rank. You’ll get a better response.
The person who wants the best for you isn’t always supportive. Oftentimes s/he is a pain-in-the-derriere. But it’s for a good cause.
Could a loved one have been right all along? It’s beginning to look that way. It’s good for you to be wrong once in a while. It builds trust.
You have to make some concessions in order to keep things on track work-wise. This won’t make you happy, but you’re better off for it.
Adopt an ebb-and-flow attitude towards money. Otherwise you work against the current of events leading you in a profitable direction.
You don’t have high hopes for an association working out, but you could use a quick fix. This stopgap measure keeps you in the game.