Resist the urge to share plans. A well-meaning (but ultimately misguided) friend may try to talk you out of something that you’re summoning the courage to do.
A higher-up decides to make you his personal project and wants to promote your interests. So why argue?
An untrustworthy associate is looking to bury the hatchet. You’d love to say no, but circumstances at work make for strange bedfellows.
A superior pulling the plug is a blessing in disguise. He believes in you, but doesn’t feel like you’re ready. Try again when your ideas are finely tuned.
Outside the arena you and a rival discover that you have more in common than thought. Who knows? Maybe you could become fast friends one day.
Words can only be used against you if you agreed that you uttered them in the first place. Keep mum because right now it’s a matter of he said/she said.