You don’t like unpleasantness, but come clean about your feelings. If an association has no future, then this person needs to know.
A situation at home demands that you choose sides. There was a time when you might have felt guilty, but nowadays it feels more like relief.
The full Moon in Virgo helps you to sort out thoughts and aims. Careful pruning of commitments will help to get your life back in shape. Think topiary.
You’ve been looking for a way to re-channel your energies and you’ll find it in the next few weeks. Don’t be surprised if it totally redefines your life.
The full moon in Virgo shows you in the hot seat. The buck stops with you, so you might as well make the judgment call others are avoiding.
Just when you have your aim in sight, someone moves the goal posts. Don’t be too quick to assume the worst. Things may be in closer reach.