Postpone travel plans until the end of the month. There will be so many changes in your schedule that you won’t know if you’re coming or going.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch or you’ll wind up with egg on your face. Let plans come to full term.
Choose words carefully because anything you say can (and will) be used against you. Mercury retrograde in Libra shows that people will happily quote you out of context
No one expects you to know it all. Indeed it’s your willingness to learn that wins people over. You can’t go wrong with an open mind.
You’re waiting on someone to make a decision and that person is waiting on you. You’re the Taurus here, so take the bull by the horns.
Don’t make any hasty conclusions while the Moon’s squaring Uranus. Not only will things be turned on their head – but they may even look better that way.