It’s time to be upbeat even if things look dubious. Accent the positive and you motivate! Dwell on negatives and people tune you out.
You’re taken aback by a surprise confession today. Take time to absorb what’s being said. This explains (and changes) a lot of things.
Make travel plans, but keep them open-ended over the next couple of weeks. You may be returning early or making an unexpected detour.
This is not the time to let things drift. If anything you want to hold people’s feet to the fire so that they make good on their promises and obligations.
Don’t hold people to promises you know they can’t keep. It will only backfire. Let them off the hook and you might be surprised by what they deliver.
You can see the gestalt of the situation even if others can’t. It’s why you’re the visionary. However you’ll still have to explain it to people who don’t even know what “gestalt” means.