Friends can be the last to clue into new developments. Used to set roles, they may frown on changes. Be ready to go it alone for a while.
You may have been thrown for a loop, but you weren’t derailed. There’s something to be said for rude awakenings. You know to look for them now.
It’s been a tense few weeks, but your house looks like it’s finally in order. A good thing, too. The holidays are just around the corner.
Mercury reenters your sign, so you’re better prepared to handle what’s thrown your way. You can also make up for the past few weeks of stumbles and fumbles.
Do a quick review of loose ends left dangling. There’s bound to be one or two. Focus on them today. Big developments are on the way.
You expected big changes in Sept. and were let down. Guess what’s coming your way? Sometimes nothing’s sweeter than delayed gratification.