
Why it’s OK to judge someone based on looks

judge looksI know it’s not a popular thing to say, but look are important! They just are. And I think it’s totally fine to judge a potential romantic partner based on his or her looks. I’m being honest here, people. And if you’re honest with yourself, I think you’ll find that deep down, you feel the same way about looks. I do get a lot of flack for this point of view and here’s what I say to people who tell me that it’s superficial and vain to judge someone based on looks.

Attraction is important

I know that looks fade and that by 90 years old, we’re all piles of wrinkles, but we’re not 90 now. And most of us won’t be 90 for a long time. Until then, you want to be attracted to your partner. And of course your history together, your loving dynamic and his personality all factor into your attraction to him. But so do his looks. You want to pick someone whose face you want to look at a lot. So, it’s totally OK to go for a face that you find attractive. I’m not saying it’s the only thing you want to look for, but it is a significant thing to look for.

Looks tell you something

If you can’t judge a book by its cover, why do publishers spend bajillions of dollars a year designing book covers? It’s because you totally can judge a book by its cover and you kind of have to. You can’t read every book cover to cover before making a decision on what you’re going to read next. And you can’t fully get to know every single potential boyfriend out there. So, you have to judge based on what’s presented to you. And looks are the first thing you see. You can tell if he’s psychically fit, if he takes care of himself and what style he identifies with based on his appearance. His looks are a very personal and obvious way that he expresses himself. So, of course you should take note!

It’s natural

It’s simple part of nature to judge on looks. Animals do it and human beings are just evolved animals. We’re conditioned to be attracted to physical traits in a mate that lead to productive procreation. We’re supposed to be more drawn to younger and healthier appearing individuals. If you ignore that, you’re basically going against evolution. So, don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself judging based on looks. It’s not superficial at all. It’s something deep in your makeup that’s making you do it.

Of course looks aren’t the only thing you should be looking for in a mate. But, they are a real thing to consider. And it’s not just OK to judge someone based on looks, it’s something you should do!
