Let’s talk about why we’re all here. The internet is the gateway to everything… including love. Yes, it is possible to find love online. The statistics aren’t lying. It happened for us and it can happen for you. We met on Myspace way back in 2005. It started out as a great friendship and blossomed into what it is now a marriage and a Sin Halo!
Yes, you will still meet a whole lot of toads and crazy cat ladies, but, as we always say, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince charming.
You’ll find so many great sites out there to utilize to find someone — everything from the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, to the full-on dating sites like Psxoxo, E-harmony and Match — the list goes on and on.
The method to the madness
You have to create a really good online profile. A good photo, a good description of who you are and what you’re looking for are all key. Nobody likes a fakester. Using a photo of someone else or pretending to be someone you’re not, I mean — what’s the point? You’re never gonna find love if you aren’t being yourself.
Let’s start with the photo. Make sure it’s a current, simple, happy image and full length shot. Always look your best. No, that doesn’t mean you need to be a model and have a glamour piece — but nobody wants to see the duckface (that face you make that you think looks good when you take a photo — it doesn’t), a bikini shot on your bed (skanky) or a bathroom picture of you in the mirror (tacky). Ladies, no photos with your 400 cats — and none of you and your pooch. Guys, no photos of your six-pack — or keg. Again, keep it simple, classy, natural.
Your description should always be positive and to the point. Include tidbits about you and what you are looking for. Don’t go on and on about your life story and when you were five, your ex or how much you love Fido, your Pomeranian.
Come up with the perfect handle or screen name — not fishlover1982, but something more intriguing, like sweetMeinLA, and you’re bound for success.
It will take some time, but, let’s face it, it’s better than meeting someone in the bar when you’re half drunk and desperate.
These are just a few key steps to start your online dating journey. Stick to it and happy dating!
To learn more about Destin Pfaff and Rachel Federoff, read our bios by clicking our names, visit us on the web at www.SinHalo.com and www.DnRbrands.com and be sure to follow us @destinpfaff and @rachelfederoff!