
Daily horoscopes: March 17, 2015


(March 20 – April 19):

How many bridges did you burn recently? Probably more than you wanted to. An apology is the first step to rebuilding them.


(April 20 – May 20):

Venus in Taurus will make you feel centered, grounded, and at peace with yourself. It will also lead you to revisit a certain romantic decision made in haste.


(May 21 – June 20):

Accept that offer on the table. It’s not everything you wanted but finding ways to improve on it gets the creative juices flowing.


(June 21 – July 21):

After weeks of feeling under the gun, Venus’s change of sign brings a ray of hope. It only gets better from here.


(July 22 – Aug. 22):

No matter how difficult things get, there’s always someone around to help out in a pinch. Look for a friend to resurface after a long absence.


(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22):

Your love life gets more loving with Venus in Taurus. It’s been a battle of the sexes since Feb. 21. You’re ready to make love, not war.


(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):

The emotional rollercoaster comes to a complete stop today. 3 weeks of loop de loops was all you could take. Feel free to kiss the ground.


(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):

Could a loved one have been right all along? It’s beginning to look that way. It’s good for you to be wrong once in a while. It builds trust.


(Nov. 22 – Dec. 20):

You’ve been at loggerheads for a while and little has come of it. The other side is just as exasperated. It’s the perfect time to extend the olive branch.


(Dec. 21 – Jan. 19):

Thank heavens Venus moves into profit-making Taurus. This brings good news regarding finances. This makes you pleasant to live with again.


(Jan. 20 – Feb. 17):

Thinking of renovating or remodeling? Now’s the time to do it. The money’s there for the asking as long as you invest it in your home.


(Feb. 18 – March 19):

A rival becomes an ally when you both want the same thing. Put aside differences and work together. You’ll be happy with the outcome.
