
Daily horoscopes: December 13, 2018


(March 20 – April 19):

Don’t get too tied up in technicalities. People aren’t taking them as seriously as you and they’re willing to look the other way.


(April 20 – May 20):

Charm and persuasion get you what you want today but look further down the road. You may be settling for small gains when you could be taking in a larger catch.


(May 21 – June 20):

A dispute is decided in your favor as long as you admit to errors of your own. Do it even if you did nothing wrong. It’s a small price to pay for victory.


(June 21 – July 21):

You know you could do better somewhere else, but you’re not ready to make that change now. You’ll know when the time is right.


(July 22 – Aug. 22):

You know full well that an offer comes with strings attached. The question you need to answer is: who’s pulling them?


(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22):

You’re surprised to discover a certain someone is made of stronger stuff than you thought. It might be time to revisit judgments made in haste.


(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):

Acting dumb is smart when people think they’re cleverer than you. Let them boast and bully. They won’t know what hit them when you turn the tables.


(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):

Your formula for success could use some updating. Be open to people’s feedback and suggestions.


(Nov. 22 – Dec. 20):

Today’s Moon/Jupiter square brings out your commandeering tendencies. It’s all right as long as you ask people to pardon your reach.


(Dec. 21 – Jan. 19):

Is that confrontation worth it?  Unlikely.  Switch from airing grievances to clearing the air and you’ll get somewhere.


(Jan. 20 – Feb. 17):

Concessions are fine as long as they’re reciprocal. Given how many you’ve made recently it’s time for the other party to respond in kind.


(Feb. 18 – March 19):

Don’t stand there silently while someone walks away with your prize. Insist on a review or recount. Something fishy is going on and you need to get to the bottom of things.
