
Daily horoscopes: April 13, 2018


(March 20 – April 19):

Good things come to you over the next few weeks.  Be mindful that there will also be strings attached and picking out the knots will require a deft touch.


(April 20 – May 20):

Don’t undermine your position by being grabby.  Propose a compromise and both sides will leave the table with something to smile about.


(May 21 – June 20):

It’s amazing how people will believe what they want to believe – but that’s life inside the bubble.  Let it expand until it bursts.


(June 21 – July 21):

Developments are underway that will bring about a change in residence or lifestyle.  But don’t worry.  Rest assured that this will be an improvement.


(July 22 – Aug. 22):

You had your sights set on one prize but now realize you can do much better.  Go ahead and give it a shot.


(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22):

You’re feeling ambivalent about a relationship, but don’t stop at the border.  You’re entering new emotional territory and need to get the lay of the land.


(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):

Familiar solutions don’t appear to be working the same old magic.  This prompts you to expand your horizons in search of new ones.


(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):

You’re happy for a loved one’s triumph, but worry if success will spoil him.  Relax.  If anyone’s an old hand at keeping runaway egos in check – it’s you.


(Nov. 22 – Dec. 20):

Falling in love isn’t your problem; staying interested is.  Don’t be in a hurry to figure out your new romantic interest.  Relish the mystery.


(Dec. 21 – Jan. 19):

Don’t let performance anxiety get the better of you.  You’re better prepared than you know.  Just do what you do best.


(Jan. 20 – Feb. 17):

Is it possible that everyone is in agreement?  Yes.  But don’t ask that question out loud or you’ll risk breaking the spell.


(Feb. 18 – March 19):

You’re trying too hard to be something you’re not.  Take a deep breath and relax because everyone would be much happier with you being true to yourself.
