Category Archives: The Sex Files with Emily Morse
We’ve all heard stories about couples who once enjoyed a passionate sex life, but now spend more time wrestling over the remote than having sex. Some couples even avoid sex like they are dodging a bullet.
Maybe this has happened to you at some point. You sighed and resigned yourself to having sex once in a blue moon because that’s just what happens in long-term relationships, right?
By the time we enter our mid-twenties most of us have a “type.” We’ve all got a certain look we like- whether it’s the endless hunt for someone ‘tall, dark and handsome’ or your tendency to date guys with facial hair, it’s easy to find patterns in our dating history. Sometimes, our “type” isn’t limited to the physical. You might find yourself being attracted to bad boys- the kind that break your heart and don’t call but you still return their text messages months later- that’s a type.