Paying off credit cards and revisiting underperforming investments may not sound glamorous, but they will yield substantial results.
Category Archives: Astrology
Decide if you’re going to step into a leadership position or not. People are getting annoyed with you volunteering opinions from the sidelines
A relationship poses some hard questions that you don’t have the answers to now. This is good because it gets you to revisit assumptions.
A decision looks questionable, but let it sink in. A superior is more on the ball than you know. You’ll glean the wisdom of it soon.
Today you get a nudge from the Universe to head in a different direction. Actually it’s more than a nudge. It may be a swift kick in the derriere.
Today’s Sun/Uranus trine shows you putting one foot in front of the other. This leads to summitting a very big and substantial peak on Jan. 18.