Category Archives: Astrology

Weekly horoscopes to help you navigate your week ahead when it comes to love, friendship and your career.

Pisces: Saturday, May 13, 2023

Shake-ups in your daily routine can be necessary and invigorating. But one doesn’t always lead to the other so be open to surprises.

Aquarius: Saturday, May 13, 2023

You said you were going to end an association but still find excuses to stay put. Apparently there’s something very decided about your indecisiveness.

Pisces: Friday, May 12, 2023

Things make sense when someone lets slip that a misunderstanding has taken place. Going back to rectify matters, however, will be harder.

Aquarius: Friday, May 12, 2023

It’s tempting to exploit an opponent’s weakness, but don’t. No matter how justified, it’s still a cheap shot and will only backfire.

Capricorn: Friday, May 12, 2023

You put doubts first so that when things turn out well you’re pleasantly surprised. Imagine what you could do by reversing the equation.

Sagittarius: Friday, May 12, 2023

You feel someone’s being unreasonable. This person thinks the same of you. Move on to the next point and revisit this deadlock later.