It’s amazing how a closed door opens when you’re not standing there staring at it. You’ll soon hear good news from someone you wrote off a long time ago.
Category Archives: Astrology
It’s a critic, not a friend, who’s your biggest champion now. This person sees what you’re capable of doing and won’t settle for less.
Consider pooling resources. Self-sufficiency only takes you so far and you could surely use an able assist.
People are in a position to help, but you’ll need to share credit or give them a piece of the action if you want them to lend a hand.
You’re in danger of fading into the woodwork because of your need to play it safe. Be more daring. Take a chance on a calculated risk. It might deliver.
Yes, a culprit is getting away scot-free, but they’ve already planted the seeds to their downfall. Let developments unfold on their own.