Category Archives: Astrology

Weekly horoscopes to help you navigate your week ahead when it comes to love, friendship and your career.

Daily horoscopes: October 1, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re about to realize your potential. You always knew you had it in you. What you didn’t know, however, is that it would be easier than you think.


(April 20 - May 20):

Someone who was condescending before does an about-face and is now all kinds of solicitous. Play hard to get. You know this person needs you more than you need him. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 30, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

The more you try to defend yourself, the deeper you sink. Quit while you’re ahead. Agree to the other party’s demands and you’ll resurface.


(April 20 - May 20):

Keep information close to the chest for now. Speculations run rampant and you don’t want to add to the growing firestorm. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 29, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Are things really kaput or are you just being proud and stubborn? Sometimes the heroic thing to do is doing what doesn’t come easily.


(April 20 - May 20):

Put the finishing touches on a deal or agreement. It’s tempting to hold out for more, but you probably won’t get it. Better to be safe than sorry. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 28, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You don’t have to prove a thing. You’re right where you’re supposed to be. Just be natural. People will tune into the way you do things.


(April 20 - May 20):

It’s annoying when friends say everyone goes through what you’ve been experiencing lately. Remember that they’re not trying to diminish your feelings; only encourage camaraderie. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 25, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

You’ve been complaining a lot lately but what are you doing to make a difference? You’re a Child of Mars. Actions speak louder than words.


(April 20 - May 20):

People are trying to help, not undermine. Be receptive to their input and you’ll make progress in leaps and bounds. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 24, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Ask yourself what got tabled around April 16. Where you left off is exactly where you’ll pick up again now that Pluto is out of retrograde.


(April 20 - May 20):

It’s time to break the chain that links you to the past. You know what you have to do. All you have to do is do it. Read more