Category Archives: Astrology

Weekly horoscopes to help you navigate your week ahead when it comes to love, friendship and your career.

Daily horoscopes: September 26, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You’re about to enter an intense time. Give loved ones and friends the heads up as to the lack of your availability.


(April 20 - May 20):

Certain points of contention simply won’t go away on their own. Fight for what’s right. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 23, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

It’s tempting to slow down now that the finish line is in sight. Don’t. Pour on the speed!


(April 19 - May 19):

Everyone comes with a certain amount of emotional baggage, but you need to decide if his is carry-on or if it should be checked at the gate.


(May 20 - June 19):

If someone tells you that he’s a mess and that you’d be better off without him then it’s a good idea to listen to him. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 22, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

It’s hard to think of a pain-in-the-derriere as an asset, but this person’s mess ups make you look good. Don’t be so quick to part company.


(April 19 - May 19):

Facts remain elusive as people change their stories. Remember the onus is on them to come clean. All you need to do is wait and listen. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 21, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

Work feels like it’s reached a low point, but in truth you’re revamping the way you go about things. Be open to advice on how to improve.


(April 19 - May 19):

Check the fine print before you sign on the line that’s dotted. Subtle changes in wording were introduced when you weren’t looking. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 20, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

The powers-that-be don’t know what they want and being corporate types they won’t come out and say it. Take the initiative today and they’ll fall into line.


(April 19 - May 19):

A deal will take longer to come together. Be calm and things should work out in your favor Oct. 5. Read more

Daily horoscopes: September 19, 2016


(March 19 - April 18):

It’s a wonderful time for starting a relationship or collaborative effort. Today’s Venus/Mars sextile brings out a “comrades-in-arms” spirit.


(April 19 - May 19):

The Venus/Mars sextile prompts you to reconsider someone you had passed over before. Not everyone makes a stunning first impression and you’re right to revisit this candidate. Read more