Category Archives: Astrology

Weekly horoscopes to help you navigate your week ahead when it comes to love, friendship and your career.

Daily horoscopes: April 2, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

The only way to get what you want is by joining forces with someone you don't like. The feeling's mutual, but this person wants to help you.


(April 20 - May 20):

The only way to get to where you want to go is to climb down off the mountain top you're on. That could mean a cut in salary or title. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 30, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

How many bridges did you burn recently?  Probably more than you wanted to.  An apology is the first step to rebuilding them.


(April 20 - May 20):

Venus in Taurus will make you feel centered, grounded, and at peace with yourself.  It will also lead you to revisit a certain romantic decision made in haste. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 29, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

Today's Sun/Saturn square makes you doubt your faith and ability.  This should motivate you to prove the planets wrong.


(April 20 - May 20):

You may not think you're looking for a short-cut, but you are. Nobody gets out of paying their dues when it comes to a new path. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 28, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

You're the designated adult whether you like it or not. That means it's up to you to make the decision your partner can't – or won't – make.


(April 20 - May 20):

Get your head out of the sand. You're more creative and resourceful than you give yourself credit for.  Don't miss out on something everyone else can see as plain as day. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 27, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

It's hard to think clearly when people are quizzing every decision.  Go off by yourself for a while and try different ideas on for size.


(April 20 - May 20):

Waiting for someone to pay up could cost.  Take what you can get now and call it a day. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 26, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

You always think you have more time than you do and that could cost.  Finish what you're doing and then you can go play.


(April 20 - May 20):

You never dreamed a certain person would say yes which is why you made other plans.  Change them quick before it becomes a nightmare. Read more