You’ll lose if you maintain an all-or-nothing stance. Toss proposals back and forth a few times and you’ll wind up with most of what you want.
Category Archives: Astrology
Learn to economize your efforts because you’re trying too hard. Ease up on the hectic pace and you’ll get twice as much done.
A lucky break comes with a catch. No worries. It may not be as good as you hoped, but it still beats what you had.
You could get confrontational, but your greatest strength has always been humor. Bowl ’em over with your bonhomie!
You’ve gone as far as you can go on your own. Others can help you achieve your aims, but you have to stop being a lone wolf and join the pack.
Who do you turn to when making a bold decision? An old friend or an acquaintance? Choose the latter. Familiarity breeds blind spots.