Keep ears open with Mercury sextile Pluto. A snippet of conversation or stray remark provides the answer you’ve been looking for.
Category Archives: Astrology

Sometimes you have to threaten to leave to get paid what you’re worth – and then sometimes you just have to leave.

A tough decision becomes easy when you discover you can’t go back the way you came. You always do best when push comes to shove.

Put investigative talents to work. Today’s Mercury/Pluto sextile is ideal for unearthing a dirty secret or catching a culprit red-handed.

Learning that an Ex still has feelings leaves you wondering if you made the right choice. You did. You shouldn’t have to work so hard if you’re with the right person.

You thought you had more time to repay a favor or debt. Only pay as much as you can now. It’s pointless bankrupting yourself in the process.