Christopher Renstrom
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About Christopher
Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.
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Posts by Christopher
You face a moral dilemma today when you have to choose between saving yourself or saving a friendship. The answer will surprise you.
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You receive a reimbursement but aren’t exactly sure what it’s for. Deposit the check first, then ask questions later.
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There are too many demands and it’s impossible to address them all. This is one of those rare occasions when you should allow circumstances to narrow the playing field.
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You’ll lose if you maintain an all-or-nothing stance. Toss proposals back and forth a few times and you’ll wind up with most of what you want.
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Learn to economize your efforts because you’re trying too hard. Ease up on the hectic pace and you’ll get twice as much done.
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A lucky break comes with a catch. No worries. It may not be as good as you hoped, but it still beats what you had.
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