Christopher Renstrom
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Posts by Christopher

Put mutual interests ahead of personal differences because you and a certain someone still need each other.
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You say that you’re exploring options, but others think you’re trying to pull a fast one. Explain yourself before you arouse too much suspicion.
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It’s clear you jumped to the wrong conclusion. It’s tempting to try talk your way out of it, but you’ll get a lot further by offering a humble apology.
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Where does it say that you have to field every crisis that comes your way? Let a few fly over the net and you’ll see that they’re not as bad as all that.
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Having second thoughts is part of your decision-making process, but dwell on them too long and they become more important than they’re meant to be.
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The reason you and the other party go back and forth is because neither of you is sure. Do yourself a favor and hop off the see-saw.
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