Christopher Renstrom
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About Christopher
Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.
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Posts by Christopher
Pushing for what you want is hard. Doing it without alienating anyone is practically impossible. Yet if anyone can accomplish this delicate balance – it’s you.
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A venture starts to look less like a chore and more like a godsend. Proof again that it’s best to keep an open mind.
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Why do you feel guilty about holding colleagues accountable? Your complaints are justified. People need to get their act together. Yours is.
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People are as entitled to their opinions as you are to yours. You can exchange them – and even resolve differences – without the conversation deteriorating into a fight.
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The Moon trine Neptune shows you locking in a pledge or agreement. This paves the way to an enriching period.
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You’ve flip-flopped between the sublime and the ridiculous so many times that you can’t tell the difference anymore. Perhaps they’re two sides of the same coin?
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