Christopher Renstrom

Christopher Renstrom

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About Christopher

Christopher Renstrom Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.

Follow Christopher on Twitter @rulingplanets or Facebook @ruling.planets for more.

Enjoy the daily horoscopes!

Posts by Christopher

Daily horoscopes: December 28, 2017

ARIES. (March 20 – April 19): You’re getting tired of footing others’ bills but it stops as soon as you stop. It’s as simple as that. TAURUS. (April 20 – May 20): Sore losers threaten retaliation, but don’t hold your … Continue reading

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Daily horoscopes: December 27, 2017

ARIES. (March 20 – April 19): Before accepting an invite to represent the interests of the group make sure you’ll be acting as their mouthpiece and not their scapegoat. You can never be too sure these days. TAURUS. (April 20 … Continue reading

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Daily horoscopes: December 26, 2017

ARIES. (March 20 – April 19): Let people wax nostalgic.  You know that the rosy past wasn’t so rosy.  Besides: you have a lot to look forward to and can’t wait to pursue your future. TAURUS. (April 20 – May … Continue reading

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Daily horoscopes: December 25, 2017

ARIES. (March 20 – April 19): Take time off from the gym to enjoy the holiday. You can’t burn off the calories if you haven’t consumed them first. TAURUS. (April 20 – May 20): This would be a good time … Continue reading

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Daily horoscopes: December 22, 2017

ARIES. (March 20 – April 19): Thank heavens Mercury turns direct.  The past 3 weeks were baffling however this path finding Planet puts you back on track. TAURUS. (April 20 – May 20): You believe people should mind their own … Continue reading

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Daily horoscopes: December 21, 2017

ARIES. (March 20 – April 19): Something that used to come easy suddenly gets harder. Are you going to take this lying down? Time to limber up for your next steep challenge. TAURUS. (April 20 – May 20): Taurus people … Continue reading

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