Christopher Renstrom
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About Christopher
Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.
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Posts by Christopher
A shift in the balance of power puts you on top. This is your chance to be the role model for others that you wish you could have had.
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You’re surrounded by bossy types and should acquiesce for now. Interestingly, accommodating them moves you forward.
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You’re convinced that someone’s holding out on you, but you can’t prove it. Think like a hunter and bide your time. Your stealth pays off.
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Showing you’re as fallible as anyone else works to your advantage today. It makes you more human. Cop to a mistake – even if you have to make it up.
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Don’t let a rival know that s/he got under your skin. The best way to win this contest of wills is to look like you aren’t competing.
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Don’t let a business matter get personal. That’s why you’ve got a written agreement in place. Simply refer to the pertinent clause or rider.
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