Christopher Renstrom

Christopher Renstrom

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About Christopher

Christopher Renstrom Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.

Follow Christopher on Twitter @rulingplanets or Facebook @ruling.planets for more.

Enjoy the daily horoscopes!

Posts by Christopher

Pisces: Thursday, November 11, 2021

Anyone who assumes you always go with the flow doesn’t know you very well. You can be accommodating, but you also know when to put on the brakes.

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Aquarius: Thursday, November 11, 2021

Right now you want to focus on making progress. There’s plenty of time later to help others, but that won’t happen if you diffuse efforts.

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Libra: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

You’re not happy about pulling the plug on a loved one’s endeavors, but he’ll eventually see you’re right. Hopefully your nerves won’t be fried by then.

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Virgo: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Back up and think about the signals you’re sending. People may feel like they have to compete to keep up with you, not vice-versa.

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Leo: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

There’s no point in making someone stay when he doesn’t want to. Step aside and let him go. He’ll realize his mistake one day.

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Cancer: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wow. Even you’re taken aback by a loved one’s attack. But don’t let it slide. Insist on an apology pronto.

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