Christopher Renstrom

Christopher Renstrom

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About Christopher

Christopher Renstrom Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.

Follow Christopher on Twitter @rulingplanets or Facebook @ruling.planets for more.

Enjoy the daily horoscopes!

Posts by Christopher

Leo: Friday, December 31, 2021

Did somebody have a change of heart? No. But there has been a change of plan. What looks like a retreat is really an advance.

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Cancer: Friday, December 31, 2021

Hold your head high when you’re the center of controversy. An embarrassed expression only invites sticks and stones.

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Gemini: Friday, December 31, 2021

The fact that things aren’t going according to plan is a good thing. It forces you to stretch when you would have settled.

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Taurus: Friday, December 31, 2021

Things get heated, but that confrontation won’t take place. Nevertheless a line’s been crossed and you need to reassert your control.

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Aries: Friday, December 31, 2021

You spent too many weeks being sidelined. Over the next few days, you’ll be blocked, tackled, and you may even fumble the ball but at least you’ll be moving towards your goal.

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Capricorn: Friday, December 31, 2021

Focused on stretching a buck, it doesn’t occur to you till now that you may have been a little too successful. Redress the balance in the next few days.

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