Christopher Renstrom

Christopher Renstrom

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About Christopher

Christopher Renstrom Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.

Follow Christopher on Twitter @rulingplanets or Facebook @ruling.planets for more.

Enjoy the daily horoscopes!

Posts by Christopher

Aquarius: Tuesday, February 22, 2022

It feels like you’ve hit a dead end but actually you’ve just gone as far as you can go. Get ready to travel off the beaten path. It’s something that’s long overdue.

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Capricorn: Tuesday, February 22, 2022

You may not have much faith that things will turn out well, but others do. Follow their lead and you’ll find your way out of the labyrinth.

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Virgo: Monday, February 21, 2022

It’s no fun having someone birddog you at work, but look at it this way – it keeps you on your toes.

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Leo: Monday, February 21, 2022

Differences aren’t so irreconcilable. This just isn’t the time to resolve them. A partner will approach you when s/he is ready.

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Cancer: Monday, February 21, 2022

An associate’s fear of confrontation mixes with your fear of rejection to create a silent standoff. Go ahead and put your cards on the table. It’s not as bad as you think.

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Gemini: Monday, February 21, 2022

It may feel like you’re taking three steps back at work, but a return to basics is the very thing that can help reorient you now.

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