Christopher Renstrom

Christopher Renstrom

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About Christopher

Christopher Renstrom Astrologer, creator, and owner of an on-line subscription based, interactive Astrology site based on his book Ruling Planets published by HarperCollins.

Follow Christopher on Twitter @rulingplanets or Facebook @ruling.planets for more.

Enjoy the daily horoscopes!

Posts by Christopher

Taurus: Thursday, May 26, 2022

When someone starts working your last nerve today, just do what movie stars have been doing for years. Smile and think of nothing.

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Aries: Thursday, May 26, 2022

You’ve listed all the reasons why you can’t do something and still haven’t succeeded in talking yourself out of it. Looks like it’s a go.

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Pisces: Thursday, May 26, 2022

A gesture of munificence could be taken the wrong way – especially if this person doesn’t know what “munificence” means.

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Aquarius: Thursday, May 26, 2022

What’s happening now has been months in the making. Although you feel for what an associate is going through, you can’t fight other people’s battles for them.

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Capricorn: Thursday, May 26, 2022

Reality Check: You’ve got the upper hand in a business situation, not your client. Now stop acting like you’re the reincarnation of Franz Kafka.

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Sagittarius: Thursday, May 26, 2022

It’s frustrating watching something you worked hard to put together fall apart at the last minute, but don’t blame yourself. Blame bad timing.

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