Chelsea Krost
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About Chelsea

Chelsea has appeared on Anderson with Anderson Cooper, Wendy Williams, The Today Show, The Tyra Banks Show, Good Day New York, and several other top media outlets. Chelsea is the millennial correspondent for Answers.com, Galtime.com and PattiKnows.com. In addition, Chelsea is a contributor with Cosmopolitan, Seventeen and Self Magazine.
The Chelsea Krost Show made its television debut in March of 2013 and
provides a platform for today’s hot topics, trends and issues that affect Millennials. Chelsea aims to use this platform to bridge the communication gap between children and their parents, creating a more open, honest dialogue that viewers can relate to in their own lives.
Driven by a passion for charitable causes, Chelsea’s work is a catalyst and call to action. It is a path she has walked since her breakout success at age 16, when she debuted Teen Talk Live with Chelsea Krost on WBZT 1230 AM, making her the youngest AM radio host ever.
As her audience matured with her, her program (now known simply as The Chelsea Krost Show) offers a compelling, informative and balanced view through a rotating panel of young adults, guest celebrities and experts: now on BlogTalkRadio.
Chelsea’s experiences reinforce her role as a generational representative. Her successful tell-all book, NINETEEN: A Reflection Of My Teenage Experience In An Extraordinary Life. What I Have Learned and What I Have To Share is a combination of memoir, self-help and an insider’s guide for young adults.
For the past three years, Chelsea has been the Millennial spokesperson for U by Kotex. In addition, Chelsea has been a brand ambassador/spokesperson for such notable and diverse brands as Intel, Resume Bear, Mastercard, BCBG, Popcap Games and Kyocera.
Chelsea has served on mission trips in Africa, Peru, Joplin Missouri, and South Africa. . Recently, Chelsea traveled to Kenya as a Social Influencer with Intel Corporation's "Intel for Change" program.
Posts by Chelsea

I am a 22 year old millennial dating in a world where communication is not valued, break ups happen via text, and your relationship is not official unless you’re FBO. (Facebook official) On my radio program, The Chelsea Krost Show, … Continue reading →
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