August is the Month of 8 in Numerology and it’s a good time to take a look at the financial side of your life. Look for a safe investment and know that this is a good month to make your move.
Take a look at your current job. Are you happy with it or would you rather be doing something else? If you’re just working to get a pay check, look at this month as a time to consider what your creative and organizational strengths truly are. Honestly ask yourself what you need to do to get the career you have always wanted. Is there something you must change about yourself, or some skill you need to develop further? This is a good month to begin a plan to make your dream a reality.
I have noticed that there are always some kind of political upheavals that take place in the Month of 8. Pay close attention to politics here in America, as well as internationally.
Since the Olympics are happening right now, and the World Number is a 5 (2012=2+0+1+2=5), this tells me that there will continue to be major surprises and unexpected twists and turns at the Olympics. We have already seen examples of this with Michael Phelps not receiving a metal in the 400-meter race which he had won in the two previous Olympics . Then we saw World Champion Jordyn Wieber, a gymnast favored to win the gold in the all around competition, not even qualify to compete. Stories like these will continue in this month of 8.
Take special care of your body. Example: If your back feels sore, don’t ignore it, get some professional help before it gets worse. Also, think about what you can do to improve your overall health. If you have been eating too many sugar and fat laden foods, get some information on good nutrition and make better choices. The Month of 8 is very much about taking care of yourself physically.
The Number 8 is a very direct vibration, so it is easy to be too outspoken. As a result, you can be unnecessarily blunt, and that will backfire on you. Take care to find the right words to express yourself.
If you are in a relationship and you suddenly feel the need to say, “It’s my way, or the highway,” stop and ask yourself, “Is this really a debate worth having?” More often than not, in this 8 Month, it is best just bite your tongue. By doing that, you will feel so much better by month’s end!