
4 Online Dating Profile Shockers That Turn Men Off


I get it. Online dating can be extremely frustrating for women. You log in, and within seconds, your inbox is flooded with the wrong kind of men. All you see are men looking for casual sex, webcam sex, or dozens of other types of sex.

Where are all the “normal” down to earth are guys, actually looking for a proper relationship, rather than 5 minutes of happy time of their webcam?

Here’s the thing about online dating. There are always going to me more “wrong” guys, than “right guys” getting in contact with you. That’s just the nature of the beast, BUT, there are things YOU are doing on your dating profile to attract more of the wrong kind of men, while pushing the right men away.

You see, what you put in your online dating profile directly affects the kind of men who respond to it. Here are 4 huge dating profile disasters I see all the time from women, and I guarantee it’s costing them great dates!

1. The List

This is where you list all the traits and behaviors you don’t want a man to be. You list everything you hate in a man, and demand that whoever responds to your profile doesn’t have ANY of the qualities you list.

All this does is show men you’re a big ball buster, and that if they ever dare show any of the qualities you list, you’re going give them serious hassle. Even the men who don’t have the traits you don’t like are going to avoid you. Dating a ball buster is never attractive to us!

2. The “I Hate Men” Profile

 This is the profile written by a woman who’s had her heart broken. There’s an angry tone running right the way through it, and threats like, “If you’re a player or someone who likes to hurt women they you may as well go f#ck yourself.

Men don’t like dating drama queens, and all this kind of profile does is show us you’re damaged, that you haven’t dealt with your issues, and that you’re likely to have trust issues. Calm it down, and remember, just because one man hurt you, doesn’t mean the next one will!

3. The Disney Lover

Here you tell us how you want to meet the one, have a million babies, and ride off into the sunset leaving the world behind. Don’t get me wrong, men love romance too, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

When you right these kinds of things in your profile, it tells us you’re outcome dependent. You’re dating with an agenda, and you know what you want in a relationship, before you’ve even met us. It’s a dangerous game, and not one that will attract many emotionally aware men.

4. “I’m a Fun Person!”

This is where you put nothing on your profile other than, “I haven’t got around to filling this is yet, but I’m a really fun person.”

Less is more. I always say you don’t want a ton on your profile. Just enough to whet a reader’s appetite, but you have to put something on there. What happens when you don’t write anything on your profile?

All you do is attract men who like your picture and nothing else. Guess what those guys are most interested in?

Check out the video below, because I talk a lot more about dating profile no nos, and explain what to put on your dating profile if you want to attract evolved, attractive, relationship ready men!
