The Men's Room - Love and Relationship Advice From a Man For Women

3 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Your Vibrator

12574400935_d8334daab0Today I want to bring into the open a subject that gets me tons of emails, but never seems to be talked about openly.

It’s something that seems to affect so many of you; I’m surprised it’s not an epidemic.
Millions of you are having bad sex regularly, and nothing is happening to change it for you.
You feel trapped in a cycle of bad sex, and you’re starving for an orgasm that you haven’t given yourself. The truth is you’ve convinced yourself you can’t have an orgasm now without a vibrator, and now no man can compete. Here’s the truth.

Bad sex is YOUR decision.

Here are 3 reasons you need to ditch the dildo and change your approach to sex…

1. Sex Has To Fit

For sex to be great, two bodies have to fit together. It’s an exchange of energy. You have to be comfortable. The more comfortable you are, and the better you communicate, the better the sex is going to be.

That way the energy between you is positive. You’re comfortable. You feel good together. It feels natural.

Here’s the thing. Some bodies fit together perfectly, and others don’t. Think of all the relationships in your past. Especially the ones where the sex was really bad. How long did you stay in a relationship with bad sex? Maybe you even married him?

I want you to think of your sexual partners, especially the ones you didn’t fit with. Think of how many years you spent with them. How many times did you convince yourself things would change? My question to you is Why did you bother? Why would you suffer years of sex that felt bad?

Don’t just settle for a man who doesn’t please you, because you don’t have to. There are so many amazing men out there, and many of them would do anything in their power to please you. Some of these men you would fit together with perfectly.

2. Don’t Waste Another Second

You can’t change energy. Two people either work together or they don’t. It doesn’t matter how much you want it to work. If it’s not right, it won’t work.

Think about the guy you wanted to work out so much that you stayed with too long. The first time you had sex was terrible, but you told yourself it would get better. The next time you had sex it was still terrible. But still you stayed because you wanted it to work. The truth is the guy probably never satisfied you did he? It’s great that you stuck with it and tried to make things work, but all you did was make yourself unhappy.

In relationships, if things don’t change within 3 months, it’s time to let it go.
Here’s why I say 3 months. It takes 30 days to begin a new habit. Because there are 2 of you in a relationship you can double that to 60. I’m giving you an extra 30 days so you can be at peace knowing you tried everything you could to make it work. If you don’t feel great or the sex still doesn’t satisfy you after 3 months, you have to get out of their or resign yourself to a miserable relationship.

3. Great Orgasms Are Everywhere

How many of you have had relationships where you NEVER had orgasms…


That beautiful body of yours isn’t designed to be plunged by a piece of rubber. There are so many things a man can do to you if he’s the right lover for you. You should not have to be plugging in and bucking like a cowgirl to get off. I look at some of the vibrators out there and I think to myself, “Who couldn’t get off from that thing?”

How many years have you wasted having bad sex?

Now is the time to stop. If you’re not with a man who can please you sexually here’s what you need to do. Leave and find someone who can please you. There’s NOTHING fulfilling about being in a relationship where you have to reach out for your battery-powered lover when your man isn’t around!

Good sex and great orgasms are your birth right! Go find a man that can give you both and leave the vibrator in the drawer where it belongs.

Photo credit: mikecoghtarget CC BY
