The Sun in Pisces means you’re back in your element. You’ll soon feel your confidence return as worries and concerns fade like a bad dream.
Monthly Archives: February 2025

It’s funny how you fought against changes every step of the way only to realize that they were working in your best interests all along. Next time don’t be so stubborn.

You may feel at sea with intimates, but that’s what happens when the Sun enters Pisces. It brings emotional depth to familiar shoals.

You know you’re pushing the envelope money-wise, but keep on nudging. You won’t win everything you want, but you’ll get most of it.

People finally take note of your contributions – not to mention the sacrifices you’ve made. Surely praise for your efforts can’t be far behind.

Someone wants to help you get ahead. Yes, you will have to return the favor one day, but this is a good obligation; not a bad one.