You need to balance work with play. You’re a human being (not a machine) and there’s more to life than chasing the next deadline.
Monthly Archives: February 2025

Don’t fill up on all the opportunities that are being served now. Be discriminating. You want to leave room for the better ones to come.

The longer you wait to be recognized, the more likely you’ll be ignored. Seize the moment and make a bid or play. Audacity wins the day.

You’re shedding old habits, beliefs, and obligations like a layer of dry rough skin. Think of it as psychic exfoliation.

Now that you’ve committed to that forward direction, there will be no slowing you down. You’re making the switch from immoveable object to unstoppable force.

What do you say to a friend who asks for another favor as soon as you’ve granted one? The word you’re looking for is “no.”