You thought you could repay a debt immediately, but now see that you’re overextended. Set up a payment plan. Nobody’s looking to bankrupt you in the process.
Monthly Archives: November 2024
Every time you want to discuss a problem, a loved one trundles out past grievances. Ask her to focus on the here-and-now and not things that happened years ago.
You may have to renege on a commitment in order to honor another. You have nine days to decide, but don’t wait until the last minute. Give fair warning.
Backtrack over paperwork and you’ll find that certain costs got passed on to you that weren’t part of the original agreement. Pass them back.
Everyone’s schedules are hectic these days and there’s no time to explain things. You need to be a quick study.
Cutting losses goes against your belief system, but after studying your options, it looks like it just can’t be helped. Do it and move on.