Monthly Archives: September 2024

Virgo: Monday, September 2, 2024

It’s no trick of the mind. You really are seeing the return of things that left your life a while ago – albeit in new and improved versions.

Libra: Monday, September 2, 2024

Something you were trying to get off the ground goes belly-up. Leave it in the ditch where it belongs and get out while the getting’s good.

Scorpio: Monday, September 2, 2024

Life gets emotionally stormy today, but don’t let a tug on the heartstrings divert attention from taking care of business. You need to prioritize.

Sagittarius: Monday, September 2, 2024

You’ve a chance to apologize, wipe the slate clean, or make a fresh start in one breath. Do it. This way you avoid hidden pitfalls.

Capricorn: Monday, September 2, 2024

Times change and you need to change with them. Don’t worry. You aren’t yielding to the march of time, you’re keeping step with it.

Aquarius: Monday, September 2, 2024

A new Moon in Virgo brings out your antsy side. Postpone big decisions until after the 14th. Meanwhile run them past a trusted friend.

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