A reshuffling at work looms on the horizon. Put out feelers now so you can negotiate for what you want when the time comes.
Monthly Archives: August 2024

Necessity dictates that you act a certain way, but it doesn’t have to mean your heart’s in it. Let a smile be your umbrella today.

What began as a set up for you to take the fall turns into you getting the credit for a job well done. Thank heavens you stood your ground!

You may be drawn into an entanglement against your wishes, but you still control how much you’ll divulge – and when.

You can’t take that next step without leaving something behind. What feels like a sacrifice is really your chance to leave old baggage at the curb.

The tables turn today thanks to the Venus/Uranus square. You may start out defending what you think is right only to realize yours was an untenable position.