Your Guardian Angel’s working overtime nowadays. No sooner do you see that you’re in over your head then someone lends a hand. Look to an Aries or Scorpio.
Monthly Archives: July 2024

The onus is on those who owe you to figure out a way to pay you back. All you have to do is hold their feet to the fire.

Something you thought wouldn’t work comes together last minute. It’s a miracle! Now you can unclench those fists and relax that jaw.

Logic says “don’t go there”, but your intuition prompts you to explore a new tangent. You’re a Child of Mercury so curiosity trumps skepticism every time.

Even if things don’t work out as planned, you’ll still wind up with more than what you had before. You’re looking at a win/win situation.

You finally get the green light after months of being stalled. Terrific! The only problem is you only have two weeks to make up for lost time.