Are you cheapening efforts by trying to do too much? Hold back. People pay more when they think it’s in short supply.
Monthly Archives: February 2024

Weeks ago you were adrift. Now you’re swamped with demands on your time. Remember that when it rains, it pours when you’re a Child of Neptune.

Softening your position gets others to lighten up on theirs. Reaching a mutual understanding doesn’t have to be so far-fetched.

Don’t let yourself get derailed by an associate’s hurt feelings. His mood will change; that deadline won’t.

Don’t be fooled by that temper tantrum because it’s being used as a bullying tactic. You’ll find that it’s just a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

A colleague does you a good turn as a parting gesture. It’s enough to make you want to forgive and forget . . . until you remember all the grief that they caused you.