Backing a colleague could get you into hot water. Take a moment to ascertain who stands to lose the most here. It could be you.
Monthly Archives: December 2023
That loophole you’ve been jealously guarding could wind up being more trouble than it’s worth. Is it still necessary? If not, close it.
It’s not easy being saddled with a team of stubborn mules. Nevertheless, it’s up to you to get them to move be it carrot or stick.
Reflect on recent developments and you’ll see that you’re being given a second chance. It’s all the reassurance you need. The rest is up to you.
You’re in the position of go-between. You can see how both sides are right and wrong. You’ll need to do a lot of coaxing and cajoling to bring them back to the table.
It’s one thing to disagree; quite another to challenge an authority. Back off before you get involved in a power struggle you can’t win.