Don’t try to control something you don’t understand. You’ll only shortchange yourself. Let events unfold on their own and see where they lead.
Monthly Archives: December 2023
Surprise upsets in other people’s lives bring unforeseen opportunities for you. Seize the day (in a carpe diem way) and you’ll progress by leaps and bounds.
Don’t be too quick to answer a question. Double-check sources first. You may unearth something that throws a different light on matters.
You’re on the verge of becoming embroiled in someone’s soap opera. Remember that you’re always free to change the channel.
Don’t argue for the sake of argument or you’ll end up splitting hairs with a loved one when you should be running your fingers through them.
It’s up to you to keep others focused so don’t feel bad about badgering them. It would be far worse to go back to minding your own business.