Be careful backpedaling out of a situation. Panic and you sink; find a solution everyone can live with and you escape a dire predicament.
Monthly Archives: August 2023
Be wary of promises made prematurely while Mercury’s retrograde. People mean well, but may not be in a position to deliver.
That big showdown you were gearing up for passes by. It’s disappointing because this time you were right and you wanted to show off.
An ideal is still out of reach, but that’s why they’re ideals. The fact that they remain unattainable forces you to improve your stretch.
You’d sacrifice if you knew it was worth it, but you can tell you’re being asked to give up something as a matter of convenience. That just won’t cut it.
Ready for the lion’s den? It will take every ounce of ingenuity to outmaneuver domineering egos and over-the-top personalities. You’re up to it.