Save the “constructive” criticism for later because nobody’s in the headspace to hear it. Offer a sympathetic shoulder instead.
Monthly Archives: July 2023

Ignore others’ snarky moods. If a grievance really matters, then they should have the guts to bring it up. Don’t do it for them.

You face some tough money choices. Begin by separating feelings from figures. It’s better to hold the bottom-line than to bottom out.

You want someone to pay up, but already know this person won’t be able to. Let it go. That lesson you want to teach costs more than forgiving the debt.

Your tendency to shellac facts in a rosy resin catches up to you today. There are a lot of flies in the ointment, so start picking them out.

Sometimes knowing too much is a disadvantage. Approach matters as if seeing them for the first time and you’ll know exactly what to do.