The Mars/Uranus sextile shows you’re ready for better things. Whether it’s a change of address or tax brackets, you’re definitely moving up in the world.
Monthly Archives: April 2023

You stress when you’re underworked and stress when you’re overburdened. You need to decide which it’s going to be because you can’t have it both ways.

Mars sextile Uranus brings new life to a dwindling prospect. Yes, it’s still a long shot, but at least there’s something to shoot for.

How is it that every disaster thrown your way only seems to improve your standing? Clearly you’re more resilient than you give yourself credit for.

Careful with how you word things today. You don’t want a key point to your message to get lost in translation.

Review sums and you’ll see that you incurred an extra charge along the way. Bring this up politely and it will be taken care of discreetly.