The more excuses you manufacture, the deeper you sink. Cop to the fact that you made a mistake and be done with it.
Monthly Archives: November 2022

If you’re having a hard time determining where to go from here then ask. It’s pointless to pretend that you know what you’re doing when you don’t.

Poor self-esteem could derail you if you continue to subscribe to outdated beliefs. People hold you in high regard. It might be a good idea to do the same.

A financial matter on the back burner requires immediate attention. Don’t expect to resolve it in one day, but any action taken is a plus.

You won the fight, but may have lost the war. See what you can do about luring someone back. You don’t want this to become a liability.

Focus on the things you want to see happen in your life and not on the things that you’re afraid will happen. Visualization is the key to realization today.